American Lunatec Aquabot Water Bottle pressure spray water bottle [Hong Kong licensed product] - Blue nozzle/blue bottle
The Aquabot Water Bottle pressure jet water bottle was developed by the American company Lunatec. Aquabot Water Bottle is a unique water bottle because it has a built-in pressure device, takes up no extra space, and has three modes to...
Future Lab MG1 脈壓滅汙砲 壓力水槍 [香港行貨]
Future Lab 最新推出 MG1 脈壓滅汙炮, 一槍在手,無論洗車/花園/浴室/地毯 都超級方便, 產品獨特既L型三角設計,令用家使用時大大減少70%既使用力量, 相比傳統洗車槍,更能減低手臂後座力承擔, 利用壓縮技術強化水壓沖洗力度,少少水就可以一瞬間清走頑固既污漬 有三種清潔模式選擇,高壓清除污漬,扇形噴頭清除大面積, 仲搭配左泡沫清洗噴頭,噴出綿密泡沫,而且加上噴水角度可作90度調節,再難攪既油污都快快清走. 而產品另一大大既賣點係 搭配左 3M 過濾吸水閥,可以過濾到 水中 90% 雜質,令用家使用時更加安心而又唔傷車. 內疊可更換10000mAh 高容量電池無線使用,用家隨時隨地洗車之餘,仲可以清潔家居/花園/浴室/地毯,真係一槍在手,清潔完全冇難度 獨特外型設計,使用更貼心 日本節流高扭力馬達,最大輸出 25 pa 可調節角度 90度 摺疊式設計,方便收納 3M 過濾吸水閥 3種清潔模式 3個清潔噴頭 可搭配水樽作供水 產品規格 5米過濾水管 尺寸:374x78x252 mm﹙不含任何配件尺寸 ﹚ 電池容量:10000mAh 充電規格:...
HOTO lithium battery folding car wash water gun [Hong Kong licensed]
Five-in-one foldable, multifunctional nozzle for portable storage Approximately 0.9kg, it is lightweight and can be easily held with one hand. Its small size makes cleaning more worry-free. Fold and store for easy use. The foldable handle design makes it easier...
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