Yohome Japan's removable inhalation electric shock powerful mosquito killer machine mosquito killer lamp white [Hong Kong licensed]
Using 395nm intelligent light wave, it can trap male and female mosquitoes with different frequency and kill them with strong suction force. High electric shock, strong suction and fatal electric shock, leaving mosquitoes with nowhere to escape Turbo strong suction...
$258.00 $189.00
Japan Yohome RO Water Purification Trace Element Smart Temperature Control Direct Drinking Water Dispenser 2.0 Pro [Hong Kong Licensed]
Water tank upgrade to 5L: enough water for a family of 5-6 people to drink per day 💧 Filter element upgrade: 1 piece is used for 5 pieces, achieving 5 levels of filtration, easy to replace 💧 Filters 0.0001 impurities,...
Sold Out
YOHOME RO Water Purification Trace Element Intelligent Temperature Control Direct Drinking Water Dispenser 2.0 PRO (Containing Mineral Filter) [Hong Kong Licensed]
Yohome RO Water Purification Trace Element Intelligent Temperature Control Direct Drinking Water Dispenser 2.0 Pro has a newly upgraded mineral filter element. The recommended replacement cycle is : 12~24 months. One filter element has 5 layers of filtration. It can...
$499.00 $469.00
Yohome Japan's 4D all-round purification DC circulation fan [Hong Kong licensed]
Function introduction: The first plasma purifying air circulation fan brings you a 360° all-round healthy and cool wind experience! feature of product 12 wind speeds + 3 blowing modes: general wind, natural wind, and sleep wind to meet the temperature...
$488.00 $469.00
Yohome Japanese upright smart safe storage trailer [Hong Kong licensed product]
The tower-type safety mopping board is indispensable for every house. One can hold four, and can be used on all sides. The wires are flexible and retractable, and the maximum power is 3250W. feature of product Holds 9 UK plugs,...
$269.00 $250.00
Japan Yohome Intelligent Antioxidant and Hydrogen-Rich Health Care - Hydrogen-Rich Water Cup [Hong Kong Licensed]
1. Highly efficient hydrogen production, which can quickly produce hydrogen with a concentration of more than 3,000 ppb in 10 minutes. Drinking water every day while supplementing a large amount of hydrogen molecules can help remove free radicals in the...
家の逸 日本 Yohome 空氣速淨搖頭秒熱冷暖無葉風扇 PRO [香港行貨]
冬天要一部暖風機🔥夏天要一部風扇仔🌞回南天仲要抽濕機💦屋企細細擺唔攞咁多家私點算⁉️誠意推薦呢款🇯🇵日本 #Yohome 空氣速淨全方位強風秒熱冷暖無葉風扇 PRO👏啱晒香港四季天氣用🌿同時可以享受舒適涼風🌀或暖風🔆👍換尿片神器🥰夜間餵奶必備😻 0️⃣-9️⃣小時預約定時,呵護備至😘仲可以淨化空氣🌱#性價比超高😎 #顏值與體驗並存💪 #小巧時尚🎁 #適合各種居家環境👍✅ 3合1功能:空氣清新/涼風/暖風✅ 直流無刷摩打︰節能、靜音、耐用✅ 廣角送風:廣角80°左右搖頭,15°手動前傾/後仰✅ 0-9小時定時:安心睡眠一整晚✅ 傾倒斷電保護功能,保障安全 1.冷暖兩用,常溫涼風及恆溫暖風,兩種選擇滿足四季需求不閒置; 2.1.2億負離子模塊+可水洗複用活性炭棉,無耗材實現空氣過濾抑菌越吹越清新; 3.更多風速選擇,8檔常溫涼風(風距最遠可達5m),3檔恆溫暖風(風距最遠可達3m),滿足不同需求; 4. 廣角80°左右自動搖頭,前後30°手動可調(15°前傾+15°後仰),輕巧體積不佔空間實現大範圍廣角送風; 5.快速加熱,20℃-35℃隨心選擇,精準控溫; 6.0-9小時定時選擇,安心睡覺一整晚; 7.安全有保障:①傾倒斷電,暖風模式下傾倒角度45°以上自動斷電(傾倒後20s完全停止運行);②過熱保護,若由於內部故障等導致機器內部溫度過高,會自動斷電; 8.無葉設計,易清潔不聚塵,安全不夾手。 1.品牌:Yohome 2.產品名稱:日本Yohome四季負離子空氣淨化即熱靜音冷暖無葉風扇 PRO 3.產品售後:香港、澳門 4.產品保養:1年 5.產品產地:日本品牌,中國製造 6.顏色:白色 7.淨 重:2.9kg 8.產品尺寸:195*195*620mm 9.材質:ABS、PC 10.配件內容:說明書、遙控器 11.插頭 :英規插,黑色 12.電源線:黑色,1.8m 13.額定電壓 :220-240V~ 14.額定功率:涼風40W,暖風1300W 15.檔位:暖風3檔,涼風8檔...
家の逸 日本 Yohome 輕感旋轉多用3秒即熱即平煥新掛燙機 [香港行貨]
1.三重增壓發熱專利技術:氣化分子更綿密快速除皺,節水續航時間更長,熨衣不滴水不濕衣即熨即穿。 2.大功率1200W,10-15s疾速預熱,出汽更快不久等,氣量更大厚衣也可輕鬆熨。 3.不挑衣物:內置恆溫溫控器,120℃恒溫蒸汽,適用各種材質衣物且不傷衣。 4.輕便小巧,460g(不含電源線),是主流掛燙機重量的一半,人體工學設計,手持不累。 5.熨燙頭可順時針旋轉90°(I型和T型),T型適合平燙場景,I型適合掛燙場景;可旋轉也更便攜、收納不占空間。 6.大水箱(相比前代產品)可拆卸、立式設計,使用更便捷。 7.超載自動熔斷保護,溫度過高自動斷電,雙重保護更安全。 8.贈送 ①隔熱貼(可撕下清洗後重複使用),自行選擇使用以防燙傷;②真空吸盤掛鉤:方便差旅時掛衣進行熨燙。 9.刪繁就簡,一鍵出汽,無需長按。 規格: 產品保養:香港行貨,1年保養,香港英式插頭 產品產地:日本品牌,中國製造 材質:ABS、PC、鋁合金 淨重:600g (含電源線) 產品尺寸:77*60*243mm 熨燙面板面積:7200㎜² 水箱體積:90ml 輸入電壓 :AC230V 功率:1200W 配件內容:說明書、防燙硅膠貼*2、真空吸盤掛鉤*1、绒布袋*1
日本Yohome 免安裝迷你折疊可移動大容量速乾殺菌除蟎烘乾機 [香港行貨]
【產品特點】 1.折疊便攜免安裝即開即用,佔地小輕鬆收納2.3D熱風循環烘乾,多方位擴散出風速烘3.模擬太陽紫外線,深層除螨殺菌更安心4.雙模式烘乾適用,不同材質衣物都可用5.七小時智能定時,烘乾消毒到點即停6.自帶溫控保護裝,使用免看管更省心7.贈送懸掛隨心扣,使用場景不受限 產品保養:1年 產品產地:日本品牌,中國製造 烘乾機尺寸:300*216*106mm 烘乾機淨重:1.29kg 產品材質:ABS+PTC 額定電壓:220V 額定功率:600W 電源線長:1.5m 電池容量:2000mAh 充電時間:約1.5小時(充滿) 配件:乾衣機、幹衣罩、說明書、隨心扣、多層挂鈎*1
$399.00 $379.00
日本Yohome 分體多用途智便UV靜音Max雙核抽濕機 PRO (首創版) [香港行貨]
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